The world offers so much news and so many events to distress and overwhelm us on every front. There seem to be few places to hide, reset and regroup. Well, look no further! Welcome to this the Dunamis Seventh-day Adventist Church where we motivate, inspire, nurture and add value. We motivate you to be the best version of yourself with our psychological/counseling support. We inspire you with our spirit-filled worship services of music and the Word. We nurture through fellowship and building connections. We add value by giving you a transformational experience. We are delighted that you can connect with God, self and others in our space. Feel free to make the Dunamis S.D.A church your place of repose, refocusing and rejuvenation. Please feel free to connect with us by using this QR code or contacting on any of our social media platforms. We will be happy to serve you!